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Akhirnya, I had to be on Live TV Show (part II)



Assalamualaikum...welcome back to Muslimah Dilemma Show....recently there was massive Conference in Indonesia, more than 100.000 people attended, media from all over the world reported it, UK, turkey, france, middle east, asia, you named it..all sent the msessage that muslims who attended the conference in Indonesia wanted shariah! amazingly around 60 to 70 thousands of them were women and children, that is our topic today, Why do women want shariah?

in the studio there are 2 panel and 1 sister on the phone all the way from Bangladesh.

in studio we have Umm Khadijah from Pakistan, and Dr. Ameeratul Jannah (note: ameera is my cyber name) from indonesia. Dr. Ameera is a doctor by profession, she moved to UK 3 years ago, obviously her mother tongue is Indonesian but you will see her english is MashaAllah very good.

*dalam hati, weleh.....belum belum aku dibegitukan, tambah grogi nih,tanagn dauh berpeluh sebesar jagung *hiperbole aku juga gak terbiasa dengan panggilan dokter*

setelah itu pertanyaan pertama tertuju padaku:

presenter: "Dr. Ameera, tell me about the conference last week, what was it about?"

aku: "well...the conference was organized by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, the aimed was to strengthen the commitement of muslim to carry the da'wah and also to create awareness globally about implenting the shariah in the muslim world. it was attended by 100.000 even more than that because based on the information that I got, some of the participants had to stand up as not enough seat, majority were women and children. they came from all over Indonesia, some of them hde to travel 12 hours journey by bus, mashaAllah"

presenter:"MashaAllah, we will come to the hardship that they go though to attend this event, but before that why do you think more women want the shariah?"

aku:"I think nowdays you'll find not only women, but generally muslim start to go back to Islam, they have been living in a material world and there's no value but materi, muslim start realizing the essence of this duniya, they know that the real life is not this duniya but the hereafter, therefore they question themselves how can they get happiness in the hereafter, the only answer is by pleasing Allah SWT, and they realize the aim of this creation is to please Allah SWT, all of them can be achieved when you implement the shariah in all of aspects of our life. On top of that, living under non-islamic system only brings misery, difficulties, poverty, lack of respect, no protection and all sort of hardship, you hardly find muslim can live in peace and happy, women are not protected, domestic violence is increasing, women is a media commodity, no one defense them and these make them think, there must be something wrong and there is something need to change. the system doesn't give women their rights so they have to fight for their rights.

prsenter: "hmm....which right and what is the right of women, we will discuss it later, I have QS for Sister from Pakistan and Bangladesh, do you think muslim over there call for the same thing?"

dijawablah dengan jawaban yang eloquent oleh kedua panel tadi....beberapa memang mirip dengan jawabanku, yang jelas mereka mengungkapkannya jauh lebih baik .karena bahsa inggris adalah motehr tongue mereka.

presenter balik lagi ke aku......

presenter: "so tell me what kind of standard of living they have in Indonesia sis, do you have poverty in Indonesia?"

aku: "yes, many people suffer from poverty, there was poverty before but since 1997, a big economic crisis strucked Indonesia, since then more and more poeple suffer. I have a friend, a close friend when I was in Uni, she and her parents had to depend on 6 chicken to survive. if the chicken produce egg then they will have soemhting to eat otherwise they have to fast and not eat proper food, kids have to leave school to help their parents working, they are between 6 - 8 yrs old, some of them have to beg on the street, a lot of women can't feed their children 3 meals a day, this is common things in cna find it in anypart of Indonesia. and this has been happening for more than 10 years.

presenter merespon dan nanya bbrp reality di pakistan dan bangladesh yang moreless the same.....selanjutnya dia balik nany ke aku

presenter:"so tell me dr Ameera, what kind of sacrifice they have to make just to attend the Conference?"

aku: MashaAllah, this is something that we might never imagine before, perhaps some of us finding hard to comprehend, because we live in such a cozy place, just to attend the conference some sisters have to fast, minimize food expense so they can save money to go to Jakarta, some of them have to sell their precious belongings such us their wedding cloth, jewellery, or even their daily cloth, they don't have many but they have to sell it to get some money, some are collecting newspaper and plastic staff to be sold, anything can be recycled, they will collect it and then sell it. mashaAllah...and the other point I want to raise is the Ayah in Quran surah Thaha: 24 Allah mentioned: wa man A'radha 'an dzikri fainnalahu ma'isyatan dhonka wanakhsyuruhum yaumal qiyamati a'ma. whoever turn away from my reminder then they will have life-narrowed and will be reserructed as a blind person.

Presenter: "hmm...why do you think women want implementation of the shariah if at the same as many people claim, muslim woemn won't have rights as much as they have in liberal country, they don't have right to divorce, to be a ruler, they have to cover, etc?

aku: " well...I think the question you raised is not relevant anymore, I am sorry to say that It's out of date. because the fact showed us that more and more women want Islam, more and more women go back to Islam, if they think Islam will oppress them then why do they want the sharih then? the problem we have now is we start with the western concept and then try to macth it with Islam. for instance, we already perceive or even believe that democracy, human rights, freedom are supreme value, then we look at Islam, if we see islam suit with this value then we happily accepted by if not then we don't. who are we questioning Islam? Allah is our creator then He's the only who knows about the good and the bad things about us.

setelah berkomentar akhirnya dia punya pertanyaan terakhir:

" so what support can we give for our brother and sister in muslim world? what is your message? is our work here will significant for them in Muslim world?"

aku: "there so many things we can do to support the call for Islam and shariah. 1st of all we have to equip ourself with islamic knowledge, so we can discuss with wisdom and capable to have intelectual discussion with anyone who have misconception about Islam, at the same time we help to create awareness amongst muslim and non muslim community about shariah. one thing I want to point out, if we think our action here doesn't bring impact in muslim world then it's completely worng, we know that Idea has no border, media is worlwide, threre's internet, whatever happen in UK, muslim country can hear it, I still remember when there was massive demonstration regarding Hijab Banned in France, at that time I was still in Indonesia, and I saw a big demo held in UK, mashaAllah it inspired us in the muslim country to do the same things and to stand up for our brother ans sisters in another country...."

pendeknya....itu adalah pertanyaan terakhir, acara sempet diselingi iklan sebentar dan juga respon dari pemirsa dirumah, aku hitung ada sekitar lebih dari 5 penelpon, rata rata sih yang merespon laki laki, bahkan ada yang menelpon dari canada....*uhuy, bikin grogi*

tepat jam 8pm acara selesai......akhirnya aku pulang bersama mba Neng dan bang Azhari yang telah setia menunggu selama show di ruang tunggu. we prayed maghrib at Central London Mosque (Regents Park Mosque). mashaAllah sudah lama sekali aku gak sholat maghrib disana......sempet ketemu 1 sister Indonesia (mba ari) yang sedang kerja di Inggris.

perjalanan pulang agak lama karena sempet macet...dalam perjalanan udah langsung dapat 3 sms dari temen deketku. beberapa isisnya begini:

* dari Mi*** : Salam sis, I saw the beginning of the programme, alhamdulillah you seemed pretty confident and answering the topic question.I would say you're done quite well, you didn't look nervous, it's like you've done that all the time.wassalam

* dari Ru*****: Salam, What Inspirational show today was.well done sis, May you continue in you and du'as

* Dari K***: Sister, how you are expressing yourself is brilliant, and you made me cry when you quoted the Quran.

* Dari M***: salam, is this ameera? I saw my friend last night on Islam channel.hehe (kuterima esok harinya)

Alhamdulillah wa syukrillah.....aku dikarunia temen yang sangat supportif dan perhatian, belum juga sampai rumah aku udah dapat respon langsung....

finally, sampai rumah cuuapek, ngantuk dan langsung zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

NB: maaf saya gak nyimpen videonya tapi bagi yang PINGIN LIHAT SIARAN ULANGNYA BISA DITONTON ONLINE dan masuk ke WATCH ONLINE hari Kamis jam 4pm UK time (kamis around 10 malam Indonesian Time)


Anonymous said…
subhanallah, pengalaman yang berharga sis...Bisa mendakwahkan Islam melalui TV.

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