A newborn baby Boy (My nephew) Has arrived in this world
- Day : Tuesday, 18th Oktober 2006 (25 Ramadhan 1427 H)
- Time :at 11am (Canadian Time)
- Weight : 4.6kg
- Place : Woman and Children Hospital, Canada
May Allah grants you pious Boy who will stand for the truth wherever and whenever he will be..
May Allah helps you to bring him up..
May Allah grants you Sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah Family...
May Allah rewards you the best Jannah for all sacrifce and long process of your preganancy
Allahumma Amin!
BTW, 4,6kg...ckckck...hehehhe, udah ah....Selamat buat Farah family...and also for u Mee,pasti senang punya ponakan dunk *_^
vi ses