The first talk was titled: Woman and her role in Nahda (revival)
Main points of the talk:
1. An insight into the role of women before Islam (Greeks, Romans, Arabs before Islam, Persians)
2. Women in light of today's capitalism
3. Women in Islam and the roles given to her
The second talk was titled: Women's rights and freedoms are naive slogans
Main points of the talk:
1. History of the call to free women
2. Women's misery under capitalism
3. How the calls of women rights came to the Muslim world.
4. 'O humankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.'
The third talk was titled: Maternity, the Womans' main role
Main points of the talk:
1. The main role of women - Maternity
2. How the west succeeded in changing the Muslims' concepts about Women's role