Gak tahu kenapa, akhir akhir ini aku banyak mengalami kejadian yang membawa banyak hikmah dan membuatku semakin yakin akan kebenaran AL Quran dan betapa tugas seorang muslim yang hidup di negeri non muslim sangatlah krusial bin important. ditengah current climate of Islamophobia, muslim yang 'teridentifikasi' dari cara mereka berpakaian benar benar akan bisa memberi dampak luar biasa bagi orang yang open minded. at least itu satu hikmah yang bisa aku ambil dari banyak peristiwa atau tepatnya dialog dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat yang berbeda kepercayaan. kita saling menghargai satu sama lain, diskusinyapun diliputi humbleness dan keterbukaan bahkan kepolosan yang kadang membuatku sangat terharu......
====== Kejadian pertama ===========
suatu hari aku dan 3 staff nurse duduk dan santai menjelang handover di sekitar meja resepsionis....tiba tiba ada yang nyeletuk dan bertanya:
nurse: "can I ask you question?"
aku: "yes, sure..go ahead..."
nurse: "does muslim woman have to wear scarf in black or dark colour? because I see you always wear black, dark blue or dark brown, and when I used to work in saudi, whenever I go out to the market or shopping around, we have to put abaya and scarf in black!"
aku: "oh've been to Saudi and worked there before? *akunya malah jadi excited * hmm..well, actually colour is something that is optional. the main obligation is to wear scarf and you can choose any colour you like as long as it's not too attractive. I have almost all type of colour, you know"
nurse: "really? do you have pink? green? red?"
aku: " yes, I do!"
nurse: " oh...I thought you are only allowed to wear dark colour, what about the pin on your left and right scarf? why do you wear it?" *kebetulan aku selalu pakai jarum bundel di kanan kiri pelipis untuk 'holding' the scarf*
aku: sambil senyum aku jawab " I like to keep my scarf neat and stay still, but this is entirely my choice and prefence, nothing obliged!!"
tuh kan? polos bangeeeet...aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
============ kejadian kedua ================
2 orang nurse duduk bareng sama aku di staff room tuk makan siang, dia udah selesai makan dan aku sedang tidak makan, aku cuman baca koran pagi di ruangan sambil duduk santai.
nurse 1: " where is your food, don't you eat any lunch?"
aku:" naaa....I don't"
nurse 1 :" why? are you fasting?
aku: aduh dalam hati, niat sembunyi sembunyi dalam beramal eh malah ketahuan, meski dia non muslim tapi staff di RS banyak tahu ttg ramadhan dan my preference, so aku jawab aja :
" yeah.....I am actually"
nurse 1:" why? isn't ramadhan gone already?"
aku: "yeah, ramadhan has finished, but what I am doing now is voluntary fasting, ramadhan is obligation and all muslim should fast but this one is just recommended one"
nurse2 nyahut....."oh wow....i found religion is fascinating, so you have obligatory and voluntary fasting? what is the reason you are doing it?"
aku:" well, I just want to get exstra reward, Prophet muhammad PBUH said that if you fast ramadhan and then followed by 6 days in the next month then the reward is like fasting the whole year"
nurse 1 "what????? you have to fast the whole year????"
aku:" reward is like fasting the whole year or as if you fast for the whole year!"
nurse 1 dan 2: ooooooh....i see
========= Kejadian 3 =============
2 orang sedang diskusi ttg agama, nurse S nanya ke nurse P
nurse S: "so what is your religion then? I am roman catholic"
nurse P: " well....I dont believe on religion, I was Roman catholic but I found it's funny and ridiculous to find that you have 10 comandment and if you don't do it you well get punished! God is Kind, God is merciful, why would He punished His creation, well I beleive in God but I don't follow any religion, I worship Him in the way I want to, no particular way, I pray to Him the way I want but still I FIND RELIGION IS FASCINATING THOUGH"
aku: "are you saying religion complicate things and just show that God is not merciful? my opinion it depends how do you define religion then? because for me ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION, BUT IT'S A WAY OF LIFE"
nurse p : " is getting more and more fascinating, what do you mean by way of life?"
aku: " well....Islam does not only tell you how to worship and pray to God but Islam as a God's revelation shows us how to live our lives, Islam has its on guidance to its follower how to enter toilet, which foot need to use to enter toilet, and get out from it, what to eat and what not to eat, as well as Islam has its own economic system, taxation, political system, ect...that's what I mean by way of life.....
nurse P dan nurse S langsung diam terpaku dan nampak shock..entah itu shock bingung atau shock kagum dengan Islam....semoga yang kedua....