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Showing posts from November, 2008

Hiatus bin break alias cuti *_*

To all my dearest contacts and friends.... In the next 3 weeks this Blog will take its break... Till then I just want to say... Thank you for being there for me.. Thank you for all the comments and supports Thank you for all your kindness Thank you for being my contacts and friends. And All praise belongs to Allah who brought you all into my life Also.... I sincerely ask your forgiveness for all my shortcomings I sincerely ask your forgiveness I have committed wrongdoing over you I sincerely ask your forgiveness if I wrote dissapointing comments and dissapointing post please ...please.....please forgive me....... And ... Please remember me in your du'a (pray) that Allah brings blessing in my time, my life, my wealth and every step I make. Allahumma Amin... Jazakumullah khairan kathira..jazakumullah bil jannah wa barakallah fikum wassalamualaikum love you loads

2 pasien meninggal dalam semalam

2 pasien meninggal dalam semalam.....yup! itulah headline ku pas jaga malam kemarin.....kebetulan salah satunya adalah pasienku. FYI, karena bangsalku dihuni oleh para kaum Lansia.....tak jarang jika ada beberapa keluarga pasien yang terminally-ill setuju untuk tidak meneruskan perawatan jika pasien kena cardiac arrest atau jantung berhenti berdenyut. secara hukum, kami staff kesehatan harus semaksimal mungkin mengupayakan agar pasien kembali 'hidup' dengan obat, pijat jantung, nafas tambahan, dll.....tapi untuk pasien yang sudah sangat tua, sangat sakit dan hidup justru lebih 'menderita' bagi mereka dari pada kematian, then the doctors and the family kind of agree not to resucitate the patients... nah kebetulan kemarin pas handover (alih tugas) aku pas bertugas di bangsal wanita, ada satu pasien bernama Mrs JH yang kelihatan sangat pucat...semula dia baik baik saja..selang beberapa menit dia mengeluh 'a bit kiddy', terasa capek, dan sangat lemas....aku beru...

Shock, sedih, miris!!!

"I was like you before I met my husband, I wore scarf, long dress, always in a dark colour, every last 10 days of ramadhan my dad would tell me to stay in the mosque, recite Quran, and doing a lot of things! but it was all stressful, I didn't like it and I dont like it up to now. I hate knowing my dad keep telling me what to wear, and what to do when I am already 25 yrs old...but I am happier now, my husband kind of help me to change into who I am now, I am much happier now!! really..really happy!" "Thats why, I don't force my kids to do all my dad used to tell me to do, I will give my children options. I will let them choose which way they want to go..." itulah ungkapan dari seorang student nurse yang sedang bertugas di bangsal kami. catatan: happier dia maknai sebagai: lepas kerudung, lepas jubah (jilbab), model rambut super pendek persis potongan kaum laki laki, sholat pun berhenti! SHOCK!!! sedih, miris bin ngenes itulah yang aku rasakan ketika...

Dialog menarik...

Gak tahu kenapa, akhir akhir ini aku banyak mengalami kejadian yang membawa banyak hikmah dan membuatku semakin yakin akan kebenaran AL Quran dan betapa tugas seorang muslim yang hidup di negeri non muslim sangatlah krusial bin important. ditengah current climate of Islamophobia, muslim yang 'teridentifikasi' dari cara mereka berpakaian benar benar akan bisa memberi dampak luar biasa bagi orang yang open minded. at least itu satu hikmah yang bisa aku ambil dari banyak peristiwa atau tepatnya dialog dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat yang berbeda kepercayaan. kita saling menghargai satu sama lain, diskusinyapun diliputi humbleness dan keterbukaan bahkan kepolosan yang kadang membuatku sangat terharu...... ====== Kejadian pertama =========== suatu hari aku dan 3 staff nurse duduk dan santai menjelang handover di sekitar meja resepsionis....tiba tiba ada yang nyeletuk dan bertanya: nurse: "can I ask you question?" aku: "yes, sure..go ahead..." nu...

Why did I get married????

Interesting quote from the movie 'Why did I get married?' In most cases, especially in relationships, you will only get 80% of what you NEED and you will hardly get the other 20% that you WANT in your relationship. There is always another person (man or women) that you will meet and that will offer you the other 20% which is lacking in your relationship that you WANT And believe me, 20% looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship. But the problem is that you will always be tempted to leave that good 80% that you know you have, thinking that you will get something better with the other 20% that you WANT But as reality has proven, in most cases, you will always end up with having the 20% that you WANT and loosing the 80% that you really NEED and that you already had. Be careful in deciding between what you WANT and NEED in your life. Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. 'Wow, this girl in m...

She's pretty, kind and caring but I feel sorry for her!

Suatu hari di bangsal...aku lagi nyantai dan ngobrol dengan beberapa kolega dan seorang student nurse karena semua kerjaan emang sudah selesai...menjelang break makan siang aku sempet ngobrol dengan seorang student nurse yang menurutku cantik, pintar dan pekerja keras..memang ini bukan pertama kalinya aku ngobrol dengan dia (sebut saja namanya Kelly) tak heran kalau akhirnya aku banyak tahu tentang latar belakang dia.... percakapan itu dimulai dengan diskusi tentang peristiwa 2 hari sebelumnya dimana ada kasus cardiac arrest alias sudden death (baca: mati mendadak) dari seorang pasien yang sebenarnya sudah cukup umur (diatas 80 tahun). pasien ini memang menderita kanker sekian lama, dan dia masuk RS karena kasus decrease mobility (kurang bisa gerak) dan rencananya mau diadakan scan / x-ray dan semacamnya..dan beberapa waktu sebelum pasien ini meninggal, dia masih respon, semua vital sign-nya masih bagus akupun masih bertanya tentang keadaan dia, dia hanya respon seperlunya dan seharian...

The first sister conference in Ukraine!!

Assalamu Alaykum, The sisters of Hizb-ut-Tahrir - Ukraine , held the first ever Muslim Womens' conference in Ukraine. It was attended by about 835 sisters ! The first talk was titled: Woman and her role in Nahda (revival) Main points of the talk: 1. An insight into the role of women before Islam (Greeks, Romans, Arabs before Islam, Persians) 2. Women in light of today's capitalism 3. Women in Islam and the roles given to her The second talk was titled: Women's rights and freedoms are naive slogans Main points of the talk: 1. History of the call to free women 2. Women's misery under capitalism 3. How the calls of women rights came to the Muslim world . 4. 'O humankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.' The third talk was titled: M...