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Revowriter in a nutshell 

Revowriter In A Nutshell


By Yumna Umm Nusaybah 

(Member of Revowriter London)


Today was a historical moment for me personally since I became a member of Revowriter. 335 participants met via zoom to celebrate Eid virtually. This was the most anticipated event for all Revowriter members all over the world. It started 7am UK time or 1pm Indonesian Time. We gathered together and listened attentively to Quran recitation as the opening and then a piece of advice from the founder herself. We then had a short testimony from its group leaders which I couldn’t even recall how many of them and what their names are! The fun part was the quiz time. Everyone keen to answer questions and received a door prize. I was requested to speak for 60 seconds on what Revowriter meant to me and as usual I ended up becoming emotional. Tears were rolling down as I speak. I felt a rush feeling of gratitude and honoured to be part of this community. 


I am sure by now you’ve read that word of REVOWRITER numerous time.

I am sure at some point you’re questioning what that word even means?


Let me tell you a story

Once upon a time. There is an incredible woman called Asri Supatmiati. We often referred her as Cikgu. She’s a journalist by day, mother by afternoon and a writing coach by night. She’s the founder of this very movement.  

An online community that eventually become a grass root movement on literacy.


She has a vision and belief that everyone can write. Everyone is unique and everyone has their own taste in writing hence they will capture their very own type of readers. This realisation combines with the important role of social media that led to Revowriter being born. It is no longer an option to join but it becomes a need to be part of it and soon it’ll become a thing!


Her vision is to produce distinct writers that dare to challenge the norm. Dare to provide an alternative reading material. Dare to be different. And dare to challenge ourselves to push the boundaries. Move out from our comfort zone. Train our discipline to be able to produce a piece of writing daily. Her mantra is powerful, one of them is: “if the carriers of the truth don’t write than the only piece of writings available out there are junk and falsehood ones”


Hence the name is Revowriter. It comes from two words: revolution and writer. The intention is for the Revowriter to become a place where writers who have a vision of revolutionary changes in the world gather. In a simple term, It is a place to connect with likeminded writers. Its members are united by the same vision. They support and motivate one another. Cikgu ultimate dream is for Revowriter to help as well as facilitate the real change in the muslim world. First and foremost is the change within the writers themselves. Then change the society with their writings. And eventually we all hope the writings become sadaqah jariyah for the writers after we all die.


Currently, there are more than 1000 alumnus from her training centre. At the moment, she’s running the 25th basic training on strong why we need to write and secret behind a great piece of writing. Majority of Revowriter members reside in Indonesia but many also reside in different parts of the worlds such as Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Turkey and UK. The class is running in Bahasa as the focus is for the Indonesian reader. 


I personally benefitted so much from her extensive knowledge in journalism coupled with Islamic culture she possesses. I could see a big change in the way I wrote since I sat in her class. I have been blogging since 2007 but only now I can confidently write and believe that even if it’s only ONE person benefiting from my writing, that itself is a success! Nevertheless, I can see my audiences widen up. Many of them did mention how they enjoy the piece I wrote. All credits go to Cikgu Asri who has injected such a powerful motto, motivation and sharp trick and tips as well as a deep philosophical reason of why becoming a writer. This is what I called beneficial knowledge or ‘ilman Nafi’an. 


I firmly believe that this is just the beginning of Revowriter. With the loyal support from its members, their zeal and sincerity, one day Revowriter will be huge and impactful.


I pray for its success and most importantly may Allah سبحانه و تعالى protects everyone’s intention to write only for His sake. And may Allah سبحانه و تعالى bless cikgu’s knowledges even more! 


May Allah سبحانه و تعالى gather all of us together in His jannah and oneday we can reminisce this moment and the very reason we join this community. And that is to contribute whatever we are capable for the victory of Islam. 


‎اللهمّ امين يا ربّ العالمين

Ps: thank you to all organisers who have been extremely busy arranging this event. Special shout out to Julak Farah Indriani Vivin Messy Ikhsan Alvi Rusyda Yulida Hasanah Sherly Syaima Ratu Ika Chairunnisa Lilik Yani Ita Djamari Ratu Rianti Ana Nazahah and all leaders of each batch.

London, 3rd June 2020






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