Once Upon the time when we were in the car as I was driving back from Nusaybah's swimming class, my girl Nusaybah who is five years old asked me Nusaybah:" mama, what is "a wife" mean?" Me:"Errmmmm... A wife is a woman who is married to a man, for example mama, I am baba's wife" because I am married to baba Nusaybah:"oooo...so do I have to get married when i grown up?" Me:"I would think so, what do you think?" Nusaybah:"I will get married, but what happen if there is no men left?" Me:* laughing*" what do you mean?" Nusaybah:" what happen if all the men are married?" Me:" what make you think like that?" Nusaybah:"because when I looked around, I saw all the men are married" Me:"how do you know Nusaybah?" Nusaybah:"they walk with women or they hold their children hands" Me: "but look at that man!(there was a man walking on his own), he is not with a woman no...
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