It's not easy to maintain your identity in the western country like UK as well as others. Again..sometimes you have to stand up or even stand out as a result of the decision you made...
kejadian ini terjadi bulan lalu...
pagi itu aku udah buru buru berangkat kerja...hari sebelumnya aku udah kerja, everyday I change my uniform into a clean one. so the day before I took 2 uniform as I had to work 2 long days in a I did it. sayangnya di hari kedua aku lupa kalau kunci locker-ku aku tinggal di seragam hari sebelumnya dan seragam itu udah aku tinggal di rumah untuk I couldn't open my locker! hari itu bank holiday so the transports were not as regular as normal day. Ada beberapa options yg bisa aku lakukan, aku bisa minta suami tuk nge-drop kunci so he had to leave home and it would take around 30 minutes (mengingat it's a bank holiday) padahal jam kerja udah mulai....atau pilihan kedua, minta utility service dari pihak RS untuk break the locker dan ini juga butuh waktu untuk nunggu...dan yang ketiga, special hari itu aku pakai seragam scrub (seragam yg dipakai untuk operasi/ teater).
akhirnya aku pilih yang kedua, aku telpon bagian utility untuk memotong keypad lock ku ..tapi aku harus nunggu, padahal I had to start working..akhirnya sang manager -yang hari itu kebetulan dinas - memberikanku seragam scrub untuk sementara.....but there was a problem, bawahannya adalah celana! I said to her that I don't wear trousers, wajah sang manager sedikit shock, but I have no options, betul betul gak nyaman perasaanku hari itu....satu sisi ada yang membisikkanku, "come on it's only few minutes you put the trousers" dan sisi yang lain: "No i can't It's haraam, it's not allowed at all! Jilbab is a must no matter what!"
alhamdulillah, aku tidak dengarkan bisikan yang pertama, so I chose to put a top scrub diatas jilbabku (jubahku) sedikit nampak aneh, but I tried to ignore bad feeling I had, I should be happy coz I stood up for what I believe.....
dan subhanAllah salah satu kolega dekatku sempat nanya ke aku tapi aku nggak denger, dia nanya: "why don't you wear the trousers"...dan sang manager menjawab (karena aku nggak mendengarnya): "she doesn't wear trousers, because she's different, she is not like us"
well...there are 2 messages from that statement...bahwa aku selalu 'aneh' karena lenganku juga panjang dan aku udah diminta untuk memendekkan lengan bajuku tapi aku menolak karena alasan agama, atau pesan yang kedua, she's is muslim and thats why she's different...whatever it is I am glad they can understand and accept that I am different.
setelah kejadian itu banyak juga pertanyaan yang akhrinya membuka diskusiku tentang Islam dengan beberapa kolega seperti, why are you not wearing trousers? I saw a lot of muslim woman wear trousers what do you think about them? dan pertanyaan pertanyaan lainnya
and guess what, in next 15 minutes my locker were opened by force and I got my uniform back, I did feel that day Allah only wanted to test my steadfastness in holding Islam....and Alhamdulillah I am sooo happy and releived that I did it!
jika kita dianggap aneh hanya karena keteguhan kita memegang Islam, don't feel bad or guilty karena memang Islam akan datang dalam keadaan asing, berbahagialah orang yang asing itu. Imam Muslim meriwayatkan di dalam Shahihnya dari jalan Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu’anhu, dia berkata; Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Islam datang dalam keadaan asing. Dan ia akan kembali menjadi asing sebagaimana kedatangannya. Maka beruntunglah orang-orang yang asing itu.” (HR. Muslim [145] dalam Kitab al-Iman.Syarh Muslim, 1/234). I am not saying that I fall into that category (a stranger) but this hadith at least gives you peace of mind what Islam would be percieve oneday...and it could be those days are nowdays.. Jika kita tidak teguh memegang Islam then bit by bit they (whoever they are) will ask you to compromise untill you leave the obligation that is clearly defined by Allah. so whatever it is as long as you know that you choose the right things then stand for it!
Have tawakkal (reliance) to Allah then Allah will find you a way...toh rezeqi bukan datang dari manager atau manusia manapun but it's all from Allah...if you stand for His Deen then He will help you duniya wal akheerah!
Banyak ulama' yang mengingatkan orang orang yang tinggal di non muslim country to be sure about their Aqeedah strength and the Fiqh involved in living as minority sekaligus tahu sejauh mana they can compromise and not!
Syaithan will continuesely trying to wshiper you to disobey Allah's commandmends so becareful not to fall into their traps....maybe their whisper sounds sensible for short period of time but it will bring a big wrath from Allah if you listen to them!
for me personally, Alhamdulillah Allah mengaruniakan work collegue yang cukup pengertian, manager yang cukup mengerti. It doesn't bother me what's behind the scene and whether they talked about me or backbited me, it's not in my control but as long as they allow me to practice what I believe as a crucial matter then it's good enough..Alhamdulillah