Siang itu hari jumat seperti biasa aku mau ke masjid ikut jum'atan dan kebetulan ada misi khusus hari itu menyebarkan publikasi untuk even ramadhan.....
sesaat setelah jumatan selesai aku segera berdiri di depan pintu masuk masjid untuk hand-out few publicity tapi tiba tiba...Hey amee!!!!!!.....sosok gadis cantik mengagetkanku....'hey sis, how are you, its nice to see you doing jum'ah" komentarku, dia menjawab "yeah me too....what are you doing?" tanyanya "well...i just need to hand out a few publicity, do you wanna help me?" ujarku...Yes, sure....give me some and you can stand in the back door and hand out from there and i'll do it from this door" sahutnya. "oh yeah..good idea!! "sambutku penuh bahagia..
beberapa saat kemudian dia memanggil manggilku dari kejauhan dan aku pun mendekatinya...
dia : "do you know what?"
aku : "what's wrong sis?"
dia : "there's one sister from Islam Channel saw you earlier hand out the publicity and she wants to interview you and me for her programme Muslimah Dilemma"
aku: "what???? you're joking!
dia : " noooo...wallahi I am serious"
aku: why me? you know that my english is not good enough to be showed on Tivi
dia : " oh....not again amee, come on...Your english is fine, don't make excuse, she just needs help, just a few questions, don't worry she will tell us the question before being shot by camera"
aku : "Oh noo.....tell her that i can't and i am not confidence"
dia :"come on...don't worry inshaAllah this is the chance for us to show our point of view and she really needs person to be interveiwed, don't you want to help her?"(kata2 ini akhirnya bisa melumpuhkan pertahananku dan akhirnya..........)
aku :" okay then, but you have to help me"
dia: "sure sis, come on follow me"
beberapa saat kemudian aku diperkenalkan dengan seorang assistant programmer dari Islam channel, seorang sister keturunan somalia yang baik dan sangat sopan....
dan dia menunjukkan secarik kertas yang berisi 3 pertanyaan dan 2 gambar untuk dikomentari, langsung deh aku diskusi sama temenku tadi dan kami setuju untuk menyebut beberapa hal dan membuat variasi jawaban, saat yang sama kami menyelesaikan penyebaran publikasi...
15 menit kemudian....
camera man : ready..action!
interviewer: for you, What is the meaning of being A muslim?
aku :" for me being a Muslim means that you abide by shariah and always use Quran and Sunnah as a guidance for you life, in everything at anytime, for example as a muslim woman you have responsibility as a servant of Allah so you have to pray or do hajj, as a member of family you have to take care of your husband and children and as a member of community you have to be active and care for your community. in a short word being a muslim means that you use the standard of Halal and Haram in your life
interviewer : have you been steriotype by being a muslim?
aku : " oh yes, oneday i walked down the street and there is a group of young english boy pass me and they just shouted at me. obviously it scared me and made me so upset!
interviewer : what do you think about moderate and extrimist muslim?
aku :" for me it's Ridicolous idea and utterly it's not from Islam, if we look at the muslim, they do have one God, Allah, they have one prophet, Muhammad SAW, and they have one book, Quran, so this idea is just the trap from the enemies of Islam to divide muslim and to be unsupportive to each other.
camera man : Cut!
ah lega..wawancara pertama selesia....beberapa saat kemudian kami siap dengan 2 gambar wanita bercadar.bedanya, gambar I adalah wanita yang bercadar lengkap dengan penutup mata dan berwaran gelap. sedang gambar II wanita bercadar yang memperlihatkan mata-nya saja dan berwarna terang. kemudian sister dari Islam channel itu bertanya dan sambil camera siap lagi tuk nge-shoot!
camera man: Ready..Action!
interviewer: what do you think about these pictures?
aku : "I can say Masha Allah, its lovely and beautiful pictures because i see that muslim woman practice Islam by covering themselves and wearing Islamic Dress code "
interviewer:"if you are asked, which one is more moderate and more extrimist, what is your answer?"
aku :"honestly... again I am sure the idea of moderate and extrimist is not from Islam so none of them either extrimist or moderate, they are both mashaAllah very good muslim woman because they are practicing but if if we say based on the people who are already brainwashed by idea of moderate and extrimist maybe they will say that the second picture is more moderate because she cover less than the other one, and she's wearing a bit brighter than the other one, in this society the more you open up the more you become moderate and the more you cover up the more you close to extrimist...."
interrviewer : ok sis, thanks again that is brilliant...
byuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.................selesai deh interview yang berlangsung kira2 cuman 10 menit tapi serasa 10 jam itu, tapi untungnya cuman sekali shoot so gak usah grogi bolak balik....
2 hari berikutnya..
"hey sis, guess whom i saw on TV last night".....seorang temen kirim pesan di SB-ku
" kemarin masuk tivi yah, kereeeen loh" seorang ibu2 an nasihah kirim sms buatku
" amee di tivi tho yah minggu malam? aku lihat bentar tapi gak sampe selesai" seorang ibu2 indonesia saat kami bertemu di pengajian..
.....*speechless* ....................
Tapi sungguh, I'm very proud of you my sist .. :)
Subhanallah... semoga dg ini Mbak Amee bs menunjukkan betapa damai dan indahnya islam :)
Smg sukses ya acaranya
Apakabar..bagaimana puasanya Mee..
kayaknya makin sibuk aja ya..semoga di beri kemudahan...
@ina...weleh ina, masuk tipi cuman 15 menit, intinya bukan tipinya loh..tapi pertanyaan dan jawabannya. doakan slalu yah sis
@maisara..wa'alaikum salam dear...iya nih, super sibuk ramadhan, semoga barakah aja deh...jazakillah doanya, amin ya Allah