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Amazing Story

Oneday i got text message from my best friend in Malaysia, she needed my help regarding something which i cant share it in this blog as it's part of her secret. I knew her from Islamic Forum and finally we became very best friend, we discussed many Islamic things including her personal matters....and Finally there was a time she needed my help, she asked me to join particular Forum, its This one with special mission i.e Investigate a data....hehe *sound very serious* anyway im not gonna talking about that forum and what mission i had but beyond that, from that forum i found a miracle....guess what???? Here's the Complete Story.....
I registered in the forum and start involving with the very intelect discussion there. there were so many brothers and sisters from all over the world joined the forum. suddenly i saw very interesting ID "salamun salam". she mentioned in the forum that she lived in East London and the good thing as well is she had BLOG!! as i have been crazy about this blog-stuff then i decided to visit her blog and left a message in her Shoutbox. Her Blog contents very lovely articles, and nearly everyday i visited her blog and left a message, that happened for a week and then i decided to give my email address to her.I Feel that i start to like her and would love being her friend as she's very nice, lovely, intelect and mature person. once she got my email address, she sent me one, then i replied it straight away and oneday there was a time she didnt reply my email for 2 days. i was a bit worry, the silly thought came accross in my head, oh....maybe the question that i asked was too personal, oh maybe she didn't like to make a friend with anyone from cyber world, maybe she was affraid of its reliability and security. but two days afterwards, i got her reply back and basicaly she never thought like the way i thought..what happen was she was just busy in her real life, she had to visit her friend whose dad passed away recently. onething that shocked me is she lives in East London, exactly where i live and she has a friend whose dad passed away recently and i do have a friend whose dad passed away recently too. i have no doubt that i know this sister....:) finally i try to cross check to her my doubt, we mentioned the clue about the sister that we were talking about and guess what????? Yes...we were talking about the same person! and SubhanAllah, i just realized that she knew me, i knew her since last year, but we ddint really get to know each other properly, we just met in one occasion last year in Summer Project and That 's it! and now we meet again in a different way...SUch a Small World she said! at last we decided to exchange mobile number, she called me and i called her nearly eceryday and that was sooo sweeet but it was also veryu strange..i could hear her voice and i could hear her laugh..and 2 weeks ago we decided to meet in a real life at a big Islamic Exhibition In East London Mosque and MashaAllah! it was amazing that i could meet my 'cyber sister' (i supposed) in real life and since then we became a best friend...
so how is she?she is very nice sister,as mature as i thought, loveable, cute and younger than me (awwwww....dont laugh Umm) she tried to buy me something from the exhibition but i knew how to reject it...but at last she managed to buy me one gift on that 1st meeting day, a book called 'friend' which content so many ayahs and ahadith regarding why we should Love our muslim friend and why we have to care about them.
every single day she never forgets to send me text messages contains Hadith or Beautiful ayat from Quran. i find it its very amazing way to start this friendship! Jazakillah Khoiron Katsiro Dearest Umm Taqwah. May Allah strengthens our Islamic Bond and rewards us as we love each other for the sake of HIM.


Anonymous said…
Hm, teman sejati emang susah dicari. Mbak, beruntung banget dpt temen baik... :)
Ina said…
Subhanalloh ya..
Wah perasaan mbak ke ummu taqwah.. kayaknya seperti perasaan ina ke mbak.. cieee..
Semoga jalinan ukhuwah mbak dan Umm taqwah selalu abadi... :)
Umm Nusaybah said…
@nia...iya mba...alhamdulillah, i can find many lovely sisters over here

@inaya....alhamdulillah! semoga Allah mencintai inaya lebih dari rasa cinta dan sayang ona ke amee ..amin
Anonymous said…
assalamualaikum mba amee
subhannalah...pasti seneng banget yah.... punya teman yang selama ini yang cuman bisa ngobrol bareng hanya lewat dunia maya kini bisa ketemu dan ngobrol langsung......
kayak dunia ini keciilll banget atas kehendak-Nya
ana doain
semoga tali ukhwuhah mba dan umm taqwa selalu erat... amin
As'salamu alaykum wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhu

Jazakillahu khairan for the story lol. MashaAllah everyone should meet sis Amee she is a lovely sis alhamdulillah. So glad to have met up and spent my day with her :) may Allah bless you always sis. Ameen

PS: I can't understand the other comments :) can u translate sis Ameera?? Jazakillahu khairan. Fi Amanillah.
"Each time two people are in company together, the dearer to Allah is he who is kinder to his companion."

[Ihya Uloom ud Deen]

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