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Showing posts from November, 2016

{percakapan} the opposite

Again this is question raised by my 4 yo while I was teaching her Iqra' (how to recite Quran)  R:"we have to be serious mama, this is Quran!" Me:"yes of course, we have to, why is it so?" R:"because Quran is the word of Allah ﷻ" (with her cute accent saying Quran and Allah ﷻ). I know who's opposite of Allah ﷻ... it's shaitaan.. Quran is the word of Allah ﷻ so what is the word of shaitan mama?" Oh dear!!! I am stuck!  Her sister jumped to answer:"I know I know, was wasa is the word of shaitaan" I'm still scratching my head...and think to find the answer or rather how to respond 🙈 They think everything must have ' the opposite' in this life 😁

{percakapan} emulating the prophet ﷺ

It's endearing to see how my two girls competing with one another to please their mother (me of course lol). I believe Rumaysa adores and looks up to her older sister Nusaybah. This can be seen from how keen she copies and talks as well as behaves exactly like her sister. Whatever advice, analysis, reasons, story, imagination and all sorts that Nusaybah have, for sure she will take it wholeheartedly. Of course this also due to her age (4 yo) and being younger sibling and at "copy paste" stage. Just like today after we finished salatul isha in jama'ah (of course with her recited Al Fatihah loudly while doing ruku', sujud and standing) she finished her Salam and said to me: "I want to make dua like the way the prophet Muhammad ﷺ did" After saying those sentences, she took of her prayer cloth (Indonesian: Mukena) and then raised her hand and then said: "Nusaybah told me that Prophet Muhammad never wear hijab so I want to be like him!" Me:"is ...

My two cents on 4th November demo

Beberapa unek2 yang ada di benakku saat melihat aksi 4 Nov 2016! 1. Yang ragu bahwa kaum muslim di Indonesia susah untuk berubah lah, mereka terlalu sekuler lah, mereka ga mau maju lah, mereka sudah terlalu jauh dari Islam lah.... ini bukti kecintaan mereka terhadap Al Quran. Memang mungkin ada yang bilang bahwa niat para demonstran bisa beda beda dan ga murni karena ini membela Al Quran, namun kita tidak berhak melihat hati dan niat seseorang, itu urusan Allah ﷻ dan mereka , yang kita lihat adalah aksi dan tindakan mereka. Banyak yang mengorbankan kan waktu, tenaga dan keringat serta uang demi Suksesnya aksi ini dan itu layak untuk di acungi jempol!  2. Ini bukti nyata bahwa "there is still goodness in them"(kaum muslim di Indonesia)   3. Ini membuktikan bahwa ghirah Islam itu masih kuat dan bisa di arahkan asal ada kekuatan opini yang benar di sebarkan oleh orang2 yang yakin. 4. Ini membuktikan bahwa masa bisa bergerak dan ummat mau mengorbankan apa saja demi agama dan kita...