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I knew I Loved you!

I posted this on my Facebook on November 16! And apparently the person I talked about on the following status knew that I talked about her 😉 and that i I dedicated the status for her! 

too sweet, init?? !!! And I was searching and searching the answer of this feeling and finally I got it. It gives me satisfaction and put my quest to rest.

You can read the answer at the end of this post

I was in the gathering and expected her to come  and turn up.

It's been a few weeks I haven't seen her but I deeply missed her. 

As soon as she walked in the room, I felt the warmth of her presence and I couldn't help not to smile although she didn't notice it. I can describe my happiness as if I meet an old friend for the first time after years of separation. 

We didn't exchange words, but once we catch up, the flow of our conversation can be endless.

I feel like she gets me. she's funny, intelligent, and very sensible. I value greatly her advice on many issues. I can rely on her judgement whenever I need a thorough assessment.

I enjoy her accompany and can't seem get enough.

I was searching and searching why I felt this way towards her. 

The only possible answer I can think of is because there is a deep sisterhood bond between us. 

It's love for the sake of Allah ï·» 

On His path we met and on His path we bond.


The Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:"Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) said: 'Those who love one another for My glory, will have minbars of light, and the Prophets and martyrs will wish that they had the same."  [Reported by al-Tirmidhi, who said it is a hasan sahih hadith]

Have you noticed when you meet a particular brother or sister for the first time, you get along with them instantly. You agree on most things, you feel comfortable in their presence and most importantly you talk to them as if you have known them for years. You even express yourself in a way that would take you months or even years with other people. You don't hold back what you want to say and can express yourself freely in their presence.

After meeting them a few times you have a firm attachment to them and proudly proclaim them to be your brother or sister. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) described why this happens.

A'isha (radiallahu anha) narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Souls are troops collected together and those who got along with one another (in the realm where souls existed before entering physical bodies in this world) will have an affinity with one another and get along (in this world)."

(Bukhari, 3158; Muslim, 2638)

So the brothers and sisters that you love and cherish in this world are with you for a reason. You were joined together before you were born and you exist in harmony together as brothers in this world as a result of that attachment.

Al-Khattabi states that people are attracted to those who are like them and people’s souls recognise one another according to their nature. If they are similar they will get along and if they are different they will not get along.

Finally this sums things up. Ibn Hibbaan narrated: "Ibn Abbas saw a man and said, ‘Indeed he loves me.’ His companions asked, ‘And how do you know?’ He said, ‘Because I love him and souls are like recruited soldiers, those that recognise one another unite in harmony and those that do not recognise one another are at an aversion.’

(Rawdah Al-Uqalaa, 1/108).

May Allah bless our brothers and sisters and may we all meet in the gardens of Jannah under the Shade of Allah.


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