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Showing posts from November, 2014

I knew I Loved you!

I posted this on my Facebook on November 16! And apparently the person I talked about on the following status knew that I talked about her 😉 and that i I dedicated the status for her!  too sweet, init?? !!! And I was searching and searching the answer of this feeling and finally I got it. It gives me satisfaction and put my quest to rest. You can read the answer at the end of this post ------ I was in the gathering and expected her to come  and turn up. It's been a few weeks I haven't seen her but I deeply missed her.  As soon as she walked in the room, I felt the warmth of her presence and I couldn't help not to smile although she didn't notice it. I can describe my happiness as if I meet an old friend for the first time after years of separation.  We didn't exchange words, but once we catch up, the flow of our conversation can be endless. I feel like she gets me. she's funny, intelligent, and very sensible. I value greatly her advice on many issues. I can rel...

Parenting programme

Resume program Kelas Pengasuhan Anak Kenapa kita harus belajar ttg pengasuhan anak : 1. Àllah memerintahkan kita utk terus belajar 2. Zaman : zaman telah berubah. Dulu akses informasi terbatas. Skrg akses informasi tersebar luas 3. Agar anak bahagia  Kenapa orang tua sering emosi menghadapi anak --krn ortu tidak punya ilmu  Kenapa anak berperilaku buruk -- krn beda pola asuh  Kenapa anak menjadi beban -- karena kita tidak bersama anak, kita hanya didekat anak. Ortu sibuk dengan gadget PR utk ortu :  1. PR ke-1 : InsyaAllah mulai hari ini sy bersungguh sungguh jadi ortu betulan, bukan kebetulan. Sy bersungguh sungguh memulainya dari hal yang sederhana yaitu menyediakan waktu bersama anak setiap hari, setidaknya 30 menit setiap sebelum 12 tahun dan 3 jam setidaknya setiap bulan setelahnya 2. PR ke-2 : InsyaAllah mulai hr ini, sy akan MEMBEBASKAN hidup anak sy demi kebahagiaan mereka sepanjang tidak berlebihan, yaitu : Tidak membahayakan dirinya Tidak merugikan orang lain Tidak ...

Turning five!

Dedicated to my beautiful daughter Nusaybah Khalifa who is turning five today! May Allah ï·» guides and loves you  May Allah ï·» makes you pious servant of His  اللهمّ امين يا ربّ العالمين  ------- Encircle your child with love Offer your hand to guide her Shower her with tenderness Shelter away her fears May she look for sunshine when There seems to be clouds May she take a step further to Find the best in people and life May she show kindness and patience Towards others May confidence and poise propel Her in life Teach her appreciation for small Things in life The abundance of nature close at Her feet Help her to learn the power of Words spoken The response to actions which Might be awakened Shower her with your love and Your pride Protect her as needed, but let Her fly free Free to stand tall with absolute Dignity As she grows and discovers Keep memories keen For times in the future When she flies free Remember too as she grows to Be a woman She's a reflection of yourself ...