Mumpung Blognya Jalan dan bisa diakses....ngeblog dulu aaaah.....
subhanAllah....bener2 deh janji Allah nampak lagi buktinya kali ini......diriku sedih gara2 kompi yang ngadat....*kayak apa aja sedih hanya gara2 kompi*.....but alhamdulillah dapat kebahagiaan....apakah itu???YUP! selang beberapa menit setelah posting ttg kompi yg dapat Sms dari my best friend in Indonesia...yang bilang bahwa mantan anggota "Gank-ku" jaman Kos dulu *cieeeeeeeeeeh kesannya kok kayak preman beneran.. eh catet yah?.....preman nyya dibidang lain......hehe*...kini ternyata sedang menempuh Pendidikan spesialis neurologi dan berhasil menjadi dosen Fakultas Kedokteran..alhamdulillah!.dialah Dr.H****K ...temen kuliahku...temen seperjuangan....temen makan, temen ngobrol, temen nangis ....berbagi suka duka, berhitung nikmat Allah .....musuh balapan motor...temenku yang sangat sering aku pinjem sepeda motornya dan juga temen curhat...H emang kukenal gigih dalam hal pendidikan dan perkuliahan...meski sering telat dan ngebut krn telat tp dia selalu ikut kuliah dan nyatet....gak kayak aku yang suka minjem dan ngopi catatan temen karena males nulis..:)....H** juga akhwat pertama diantara "gank-ku" yang menikah lebih dini alias dikala masih sekolah nih critanya.....trus alhamdulillah dia dikaruniai seorang anak saat dia internship juga....a bit tough for her...but she never complained......she enjoyed a lot her marriage life....aku masih inget dulu aku begitu ngiler bin pengen (mupeng critanya) ngelihat dia pergi ke Rumah sakit dianter suami...*dalam hati aku kapan yah aku dianter suami kalo pas kerja atau kalo pas dines di RS....kelihatannya kok romantis bin manis gitoh!* gak tahunya gak dianter kerja malah diboyong ke UK, in a way its a such big blessing to get married to my husband and move to a new country...kok mau???yah gimana lagi wong emang suami eke gak ada duanya.....cieeeeeeeeeeeeh pokoke the one and the Only!! *kupikir semua istri pasti bilang gitu deh ttg misuanya* baidewe gak boleh MUPENG (muke pengen) yah????..hehe
so...alhamdulillahhirobbil 'alaamin...temen se gank-ku kini menjadi PPDS neurologi plus Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran di Universitasku Dulu.....mashaAllah...gak nyangka deh.....kalo dilihat dulu kami kami pada sibuk ngejar ngejar guru bhs arab, ngejar2 Ilmu Islam dan gak ada critanya ngejar2 dosen...hehe...aneh kan? emaang....tapi emang kok temenku H*** ini dulu terkenal paling rajin belajar...dia sanggup "melekan/begadang" dan gak tidur demi ujian......kalo aku mah....gak sanggup..ngelihat bantal aja mata udah ngerasa berat alias ngantuk...baru ngelihat loh..belum lay down...hehe...eniwe finally she Got what she has been dreaming of...yes...she DID IT! im very proud of her.....congratulation ya sis..MABRUK ya UKHTI....
kabar gembira lainnya....aku barusan dapat contact number for my best friend....old friend but very close to me....we did speak a little bit on the phone but suddenly it cut off...maybe its the connection but i didnt manage to re-connect...anyway i didnt realize that it was 12 midnight in Indonesia when i was talking to her....i just feel missing her sooo much so as soon as i got her number i called her...mashaAllah she was very surprised that she can hear my voice fact we did lost contact for the last few years....its because we live apart thousands miles away and she keep moving from one city to another call woke her up and its like a dream for her, she said....i feel bad because of it, i should contact her as soon as i reach UK but i couldnt as i lost all my indonesian friends' contact numbers ...but alhamdulillah we managed to speak and i ask how she is and her son...she sounded very happy...i hope so....i cant wait to see her again..... i'm looking foward to visit Inddonesia.......
she is such a lovely sister....she cooked for me a special food in my birthday....she took a good care of me when i was really ill and suffering from thypoid fever....she gave me nice surprise. she cooked for my mom when my mom was treating in the hospital. she give me a lot of advice, she can be very wise like a big sister but she can be crazy like me as well...*but its all because i make her crazy..hehe* she attended my wedding day...all the way from her city...16 hours by bus..subhanAllah...apparently she cried when she knew i would move to UK and far away from her....but she supported any decision i made as long as its based on Islamic point of view...she's very humble sister, all in all i'm lucky to have her as my best friend...i am lucky that i have been with her going through this lifes, we always have a nicel memory, at last...i'm lucky that Allah made me meet This Sister.....
I love You for the sake of Allah dear Ukhti Far******H