Alhamdulillah....kata itulah yg musti aku panjatkan kepada Allah...kenapa? krn banyak sekali kejadian penuh makna dan mengajariku banyak hal akhir2 ini....mulai dari pengalaman untuk bisa menahan diri, memaafkan, bersabar atas apapun yg ada, bersyukur atas apa yg terjadi and at the same time try my best for the next days..
satu hal yg akan kucatat baik2...adalah apa yg terjadi hari ini....the past 3 days i got very bad tootache....well...its not something new for me becoz its not the first time for me to suffer from this kind of pain....*berhubung sambil nahan sakit....ketawa ketiwinya dikurnagi dulu yah...huehue * ops....ketawa juga akhirnya...
ok gini deh lengkapnya.....
i have been trying to call my dentist the last 2 days coz i cant help the pain anymore...its just too bad and its ruin my feeling...bener kata orang...mendhing sakit hati dr pada sakit gigi....ops...kebalik yah??? biarin deh ...yg jelas sekarang ini lbh baik sakit hati deh krn ternyata sakit gigi tuh gak uuuueank BLAS! rasanya ada 10 tangan menampar nampar pipiku *bisa mbayangin sodara2..kao gak bisa, sini deh ku bantu mempraktekan....mau ditampar???..whacks!!! sadis uey!*...
okeh okeh lanjuuuut....nah...berhubung masih liburan natal...i couldnt get through my dentist, no body in the clinic, so they didnt pick up the phone...well i just asked Allah........inshaAllah if this pain is good for me i.e forgiving my sins if im patient with that then please make me patient to face this o Lord....but i would love if there's something makes me feel beter... i meet my friend....she's a doctor graduated from Oxford Univ...she's bangladeshi sisters but mashaAllah we never see us as stanger....the 1st time i come to UK, she always called me every week to make sure that i wasnt feleing alone.....subhanAllah....what a nice sister!...
kebetulan kita lagi mo pergi ke sebuah acara bareng, so she gave me a lift by her i dont have to go by bus..alhamdulillah, dingin2 kayak gini kalo nunggu di bus bisa bisa menggigil....finally i told her that last 2 days, i have been suffering from very bad pain...tooache....and then she asked me if i have been seeing my dentist but then she realized that it was holiday the last few days then she told me not to worry as she gonna get me some antibotic from closest pharmacy so i can took it and help release the pain bit by bit..OH AllahuAkbar!....disini gak kayak di Indo, beli antibiotik harus pake resep dokter....kalo gak pake resep bakalan gak dikasih deh...makanya i was difficult for me, i do need that medication but at the same time none could give me prescription but alhamdulillah Allah sent her to help me.
dalam hati aku hanya berterima kasih kepada Allah...betapa ikatan Aqidah membuat kami bener2 menjadi temen yang tidak hanya temen ngobrol but juga temen berbagi suka dan duka, and i found it that she is always there for me o help and advice me.... thanks Allah for sending many nice and lovely friends around me ....
kadang sulit kupercaya, banyak temen2 sejati yg kutemukan dinegeri Kufr semacam London...but inshaAllah whereever we are tehre always best Friend for us if we want to search..
Moga giginya bisa cepat diobati ya n cepet sembuh.