OK, so you aren't an awful husband. But there are some pretty awful things you definitely don't want creeping into your marriage. Your wife deserves better than a husband with any of these 10 ugly habits. 1. Critical Please watch yourself and don't get caught in the trap of criticizing your wife. Choose to see the good in your wife. Compliment her on all the things she is doing right. Next time you find yourself wanting to tell her something you don't like about her, switch it around and pay her a sincere compliment. She will love it. 2. Controlling Believe it or not, you aren't always right. And your beautiful wife is actually very good at making her own decisions (and typically she makes very good decisions). So stop feeling like you need to control where she's going, what she's doing, how much she's spending and more. Instead of stressing about that, work together as a team, encouraging and supporting each other. Let your wife be her own person, and ...
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