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Message for Muslim post London explosions

And surely, We shall try you till We test those who strive hard (for the Cause of Allah) and the patient ones, and We shall test your facts (i.e. the one who is a liar, and the one who is truthful).” [TMQ Muhammad:31] Dear brothers and sisters. Today several bomb explosions created havoc through London - although information about the events is still coming in, it is clear that many have died and have been injured. It is also clear that the world’s leaders congregating at the G8 summit in Gleneagles have quickly taken the opportunity to further their rhetoric to justify their ‘war on terror’. The media have already started speculating - talk of suicide bombings and ‘Islamist websites’ claiming responsibility for the explosions will only further the suspicion against our community. At such a time - where our community faces questions, accusations and calls for condemnation - we need to reflect upon how we react, for this time is a test for us and like all tests, Allah (swt) will question us on how we overcame these tests. After thought and contemplation about the consequences of these events for our community, we want to make the following points as to how we can deal with the aftermath of these events: 1. At a time of tests Islam mandates sabr (patience). Sabr does not mean we give up the truth at the first test. Rather it means to rely upon Allah (swt), ask for His (swt) help and follow His (swt) command without leaving it due to the test. 2. Allah (swt) raised this Ummah to carry the message of Islam and continue speaking the truth, despite provocation and despite the great tests we face. Indeed speaking the truth about the colonisation of the Muslim world and the killing, murder and rape of our Ummah by Western governments is of the highest obligations. The events in London will be used by these governments to silence our Ummah and detach us from the feelings of our Ummah. We must also carry da’wah to the non-Muslims about Islam in order for them to sense the greatness of our deen and our solutions. 3. At a time when fingers will be pointed at us from the wider community we need to come together as a community with one voice. Yes, the rules of Islam do not allow the harming of innocent civilians, but at the same time the rules of Islam do not allow us to condemn Muslims with little evidence in order to remove the pressure from ourselves. Condemnation with scant information will only aid the leaders of the West who want to use fear as a tool to change our Ummah and our Deen as well as allow them to arrest more Muslims unjustly under draconian terror laws. 4. It is possible in the days ahead that symbols of the Muslim community such as mosques and schools may be targets for vandalism; it is also foreseeable that our Muslim sisters may be at the forefront of verbal abuse or even attack. We advise the community to come together and collectively prepare the most appropriate arrangements to protect ourselves from such dangers. 5. Lastly we must make dua. The best dua is to ask Allah (swt) to raise our Ummah and our message so that we once again can live under a just Islamic rule (Khilafah State) and that our Ummah can implement Islam which will become a shining light in the darkness facing the world. Brothers and sisters! Stay strong and firm to Islam, for if we stay firm with Islam, Allah (swt) will assist us and raise our situation. "No reason have we why we should not put our trust on Allah. Indeed He Has guided us to the Ways we (follow). We shall certainly bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us. For those who put their trust should put their trust on Allah." [TMQ Al-Ibrahim: 12]


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